I hope you're having a nice day dealing with nothing whatsoever, at least that's what seems to be your occupation seeing as despite receiving 5 wage slips and 4 phone calls you have still failed to carry out a proper assessment on Dan's wages.
Now, I appreciate that it's very complicated when wages change to SSP, after all this is a payment administered by a government agency....oh wait...but surely when you're in possession of wage slips you could just pop onto your own website to work out the payments? Or is that too hard?
I appreciate it's much easier to just use a random number generator, or a bingo machine to decide what payments should be for any given month, or indeed to use some kind of anagram of this weeks lottery numbers to decide on arrears, but as you took the time and (probably quite high) expense to set up an online calculator, perhaps you should indeed try that, at least then payments may bear some resemblance to the actual figures expected by both parents?
Anyway, I can't spend all day chatting, with you allowing Dan the humungous wage this month of £296 a girl just has to go and spend, spend, spend!
Much Love,