Sunday, 31 July 2011

One ?

Apparently you learn one new thing every day.....but today I have learn - oooh - squillions :o)

Days that start in a rather poo manner, definitely don't have to stay that way.
Mcdonalds hash browns taste bloody awful cold.
The Sutton Bridge takes about 17 days to open and close again o_O
The weather app on my phone really has NO idea what the weather will actually be.
Mcdonalds free wi-fi doesn't spread that far from the actual restaurant!
There is a Trans-Pennine Trail that crosses the whole country (and I found a pretty bit of it today).
The sun does shine (and burn. A lot) Ooop North.
This.... the caterpillar of the Cinnabar Moth.
Ladybirds never stay bloody still when you want them to.
How to use my x10 magnification filter (at last)
Teeny frogs are impossible to focus on.
Sam reserves his most angelic of smiles for when he's just about to try and swipe your drink.
I will never be able to unwrap a clingfilmed item again without giggling.
There is a "Wall of Death" currently on a world tour...
The Little Chef at Newark has probably the cruddiest toilets in the world.
There are now only 13 days left until Cyprus....okay so I didn't really learn that today, but it is rather exciting :o)

Friday, 29 July 2011

Scary Times!

I’m not much of a one for change. I like things to stay as they are, and I’ve never been one of those dynamic, career driven women….all shoulder pads, high heels and chips on the shoulder. I’m more of a low maintenance, get the job done, get home and enjoy the money it brings in type of gal, and as such I’ve tended to stay in the same jobs for years, only moving on when I have to.

With all the recent upheaval at work, I’m feeling deeply unsettled, and am not relishing the prospect of returning to a job on the line. Not that there is anything wrong with a job on the line (or the weeks off!) I just don’t want to have wasted my time since January 2008 learning and developing a load of skills I’ll never use again. So I have been combing the papers and job websites for something interesting, and that will pay the wages I need to live the life of poverty we currently “enjoy”

This is not an easy task, wages are not high in Suffolk/Norfolk, and my skill set is firmly in the type of area that is the first to be cut back in the current financial climate. That said I have found a few jobs that intrigue me and so I have re-entered the world of CV’s, application forms and personal statements….. I am beyond useless at bigging myself up, utterly forgetful when it comes to achievements and hate having to analyse what I do and have done to channel it towards a job description. I find it stressful and it puts me totally out of my comfort zone…but I have taken the decision to look for something else, and so I shall plunge into it headfirst – however scary I find it. All positive vibes, crossed fingers and advice gratefully received! :o)

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Monetary Musings...

This morning on the news the two main headlines were that our economy is in the sh*tter (for want of a better phrase) as the GDP only grew by 0.2% in 3 months, and that America has one week to sort its economic policy out or it's broke.....Now, I have little to no understanding on how the world economy works, but all day I've just been sitting here thinking about it, more and more questions whizzing round my head....

How can the whole world be in debt?
If the whole world is in debt, who do they owe all the money to?
If the whole world decides not to pay up….what will happen?
If the worst thing to happen is that all the banks lose the money they lent to everyone – is that such a bad thing?
If debt was completely removed from the equation, would the world be an easier place to run?
If everyone from corporations to countries to a teenager fresh out of school knew there was no borrowing of money, how different would the world be?
Is the world awash with money that doesn’t actually exist?
If money goes into my bank, and then out again via a debit card or direct debit….did it ever really exist as cold hard cash?
How can a debt every really be repaid if all money is lent by the banks, who print the money, then add interest to the loan?
Where does the money for the interest come from?

Hmmm I wish I understood economies, monetary systems or even how countries can be in debt by billions, how have we got into such a mess?
Brought to you by the girl who can barely afford to buy food anymore….

Saturday, 23 July 2011

A Very Sad Day

The news has just been confirmed that Amy Winehouse has been found dead, she was 27. I'm sure most people have an opinion on her, and I'm sure that quite a few have nothing good to say about her.

Her voice, and her ability to write songs that spoke directly from her heart cannot be denied. Her stunning talent is undeniable.

I have listened to her and loved her music for many years, her voice has been the soundtrack to so many wonderful moments in my life, and her songs will always be among my all time favourites.

I'm not someone who is enthralled by celebrity, normally a celebrity death is accompanied by a shrug of the shoulders and an acknowledgement of how sad it is, but I am genuinely and deeply upset by this news, of the loss of a troubled young woman with unbelievable talent. I just hope that she has now found the peace that she never found in her short life. 

The brightest stars seem to shine for such a short time.

RIP Amy Winehouse, you will never be forgotten.

Friday, 22 July 2011

More Countdowns! crap....I told the management my decision today (to stay - for now - although they don't know the for now bit - except they might now - doh). Although due to appeals the final decision won't be made for, oh fecking ages, although they doesn't stop me from missing out on keeping my job!

On much nicer ground, my passport has finally arrived! I was starting to worry slightly, especially as I got a letter asking for more paperwork at the start of the week, but it appeared, safe and sound this afternoon!

So that means I can fully concentrate on getting excited about the holiday! Holiday clothes are all purchased, a housesitter (a very lovely one) is all sorted, holiday money is saved. Literally all we have to do now is change up the monetaries and pack! That's it! I am so excited! I've not had a proper holiday in years (think it's 5 or 6) and it will be the first holiday that me and Hague have taken together, what's not to be excited about??

Cyprus, for 2 weeks, in glorious sunshine. Nothing to do but enjoy good food, wonderful weather, 14 fabulous days with my gorgeous Hague, wonderful people and a villa with it's own pool. Add to that 2 weeks without work and 2 weeks spent with my gorgeous Nieces and I'm sure you can appreciate why I am overexcited!! 22 days and counting!

Monday, 18 July 2011

A Rest And A Break

I've not been at work since last Wednesday. I've taken the time I've been away to mull over what to do about my job on one level, but on another level I'm been doing my best to relax.

It's easy not to think about my job when I'm not at work, to not even think about the decision to be made on Friday, but I guess deep down I know what I'll end up doing, whether that will be for the best or not I guess only time will tell.

This weekend has been just lovely. We have done nothing but relax. The weather has conspired to keep us indoors, it's been rainy and grey despite being July so we've been reading Harry Potter books and watching films. It's funny how the nicest of weekends can come out of nothing - we had no plans beyond seeing Deathly Hallows on Friday, and yet we've had a wonderful few days :)

We also got to meet our housesitter/pet sitter Georgina, and Boo and Flump seemed to love her, so hopefully all will be fine and dandy when we have our long-awaited holiday to Cyprus :). The only spanner in the holiday works at the moment is my passport, which despite me getting it checked at the Post Office, requires more paperwork.....not good! Fingers crossed please everyone???

Friday, 15 July 2011

And So It Begins...And Ends...

Ah....Friday, how I love thee. Do you know what makes Friday's even better? When you aren't at work! Something that can help make them even more amazing is going out, not just going out, but going out and seeing the new Harry Potter film in 3D on an IMax screen.

It is only just coming up for 9.30pm and today has been wonderful, relaxing in the morning, seeing the final Potter film (which was just amazing, epic and fantabulous, everything I hoped it would be) meeting up with my cousin Gary and his lovely girlfriend Laura - who seem to be just about perfect together. A nice meal, and now lots of alkyhol and sillyness on the television.

This weekend WILL be a good one, I shall not let anything spoil it, nasty things shall be banished until Tuesday, simple as that. This weekend is about having fun, being with people I love and relaxing, putting worries to one side and getting on with living and loving and having the best time we can!

Thursday, 14 July 2011


I'm useless at making them, and now I have to make a HUGE one. The pieces of the puzzle are getting clearer by the day, but my mind is still not in the right place, it's whizzing and whirring around, trying to fit everything together. I can't concentrate on anything.

I've taken today off work (I'm already off on Friday and Monday) and will take the time to get my decision made once and for all (with an obvious break to see Harry Potter tomorrow squee joy etc).

I hate being in this position, but I am, and I need to get things sorted out once and for all, and I need to make sure I make the right decision for me, so many caring people are putting in their two-penneth worth, and it all helps to clarify, but I need to do this myself, I need to think of what's best for me, for our future, and it's not something I'm taking lightly. Wish me luck :)

Monday, 11 July 2011

What Next?

Well, the expected (but unwanted) has happened. I am one of the three who will lose their Continuous Improvement role....there is a job back as a operator available for me though.

Although I expected this, I can't help but be upset. I enjoyed this job, felt I was good at it and have gained some significant skills in the last 3 1/2 years, but I was deemed not good enough to stay.

It's a hard thing to come to terms with, and although yesterday I was of the mind that I just wanted a job, any job, now the decision has been made I'm not so sure....

I have to take some time to think, to decide whether to stay with Britvic, a company that has rewarded my work with redundancy, but pays well, or to take the opportunity to move on, and find something else where I can actually use my skills and knowledge, and will be a valued employee.

I'm not stupid, I won't make any rash decisions, but I need to think about this, need to think about where my life should go now I'm at this crossroads. I need to do what's best for me, at least I know that Dan will be behind me whatever my decision, and he's already being wonderfully supportive by providing me with lots of hot tea and chocolate biscuits.

Friday, 8 July 2011

The Big Issue

Hopefully I'm not at that point just yet, but I seem to have spent most of the last couple of weeks either wallowing in the issue of the upcoming redundancy decision or trying my hardest not to think about it.

At work it's SO hard not to think about it, everyone is asking about it, and the people affected can't help but discuss and dissect the issue almost constantly.

Last weekend I did quite a good job of not thinking about it at all and managed to have a pretty good weekend. I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to manage it this weekend, 11th of July seems a hell of a lot closer from here, but I am determined to do my best. Tonight will be a relaxing one, and the rest of the weekend is supposed to be quite busy so hopefully that will help.

I guess that 10am Monday morning will get here when it gets here, and then at least I will know what's happening and be able to sort things out in my head, and at last think about what to do going forward. Whatever happens, everything at work will change, I need to focus on that now, and not worry what that change will mean for me.

(Beer tonight will help I'm sure!)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The Birthday's Keep On Coming!

Today it's the turn of my Mum! It seems impossible that it's been a year since since became a pensioner...strange when she has done nothing but talk about her pension since her birthday last year!! Up until 3 years ago it was also my Wedding Anniversary (my Summer's just weren't celebratory enough obviously) but the divorce put an end to that.

So the 5th of July is back under the sole guardianship of my Mum. At the moment she spends a lot of time in Essex, my Dad is working in London again and so he likes to have her down there, and it means she can spend time with my Nan as well (another July birthday!) so present opportunities are limited to what can be delivered.

Flowers are never a good option when Mum spends a mad amount of time driving up and down the M11, and chocolates are a bit, well, boring. So I was at a bit of a loss until I remembered the business my old school friend had set up.....

So cupcakes it was to be, and whilst the pictures I had seen of her work were amazing, I truly didn't expect such exquisitely decorated cakes to be delivered to my Mum today. The text I got from her saying how lovely they were was priceless, and I'm glad that despite not being able to see my Mum today I put a smile on her (and undoubtedly my Nan's) face.

The Stunning CupCakes :)
(Marcola Cupcakes)

Saturday, 2 July 2011

A Snapshot Of Summer

Right now all my senses are overwhelmed with Summer and I just had to share this feeling. The right here, and right now...

The wonderful walk this morning in the sun with Bayleigh, gorgeous sunshine, with a sea breeze. Bright colours everywhere as people enjoyed the British seaside.
Home to a lovely cool house, windows opened wide and the golden rays of the sun shining through the room.
The strawberries we have which are so juicy you bite into them and the juice runs down your chin, and which are beyond delicious.
Sharing cold, cold beers with the Man I love, each topped with a slice of lime.
Eating crusty olive and tomato bread, dipped into olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Looking up and seeing the most breath-taking colour blue in the sky outside, deep and clear.
The ever so subtle aroma of a barbeque wafting in and out on the breeze.

Just Summer....just perfect, just a lovely moment in the year, but one I wanted to capture and remember.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Half Way

It's July, six months gone by, with six more to go! The half-way point of 2011 already. In some ways it's not been a great year but in others it's an improvement on last year.

I guess the most immediate success to my mind is my 365 Project, I set out to take a photograph every day, and I wanted that photo to be completely unedited in anyway. I have managed that, and I am so proud of myself :) Sometimes a photo does cry out to be edited or improved, but this way it's my photography that's improving, not my computer skills. It's been one hell of a journey and I cannot believe how much I have learnt. I can honestly say that I have taken photographs in the last six months that I never ever dreamed I could capture and that, if nothing else is something to take from this year.

The rest of my goals for this year have passed by the wayside, weight has been losed and gained, money has been saved and then frittered away. Perhaps I'll focus more on these later in the year, but for now the 182 photographs that so far make up my project are the biggest achievement for 2011, by a long, long way!

The First 6 Months :)