Monday, 31 October 2011

October Book Club

Happy Samhain, or Hallowe'en, depending on your view! October is nearly over, the clocks have gone back and the depressingly dark afternoons are upon us.

As we're skint I haven't managed to carve a pumpkin, or even join in the celebrations with the ickle trick or treaters due to lack of funds :o( However, this is my monthly review of the books I've read, not as many as last month (I can hear your sighs of relief) but there are some Big Read ones in there! So here goes....

Coffin Dodgers - Gary Marshall
I got this one as a free download, although it's now 99p. The premise is fantastic - the population is ageing and young people just aren't giving birth anymore. The world has become geared to the rich, elderly population with precious little for the younger generation to do. A group of three friends who all work at a casino are young, disillusioned and suddenly they find themselves being targeted for murder....I did enjoy this book I must admit, the idea behind it is really original, and the writing is good, but ultimately I felt that the author could have done more with this gem of inspiration. The ending was too abrupt for me, I ended up wanting more - although is that a bad thing? Worth a look.

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
My first "Big Read" book and another freebie. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this at all. I thought it would be stilted and old fashioned and would have nothing to keep me interested. How wrong can you be about a book? I absolutely loved it! I was totally hooked on the story and thoroughly enjoyed discovering all the drama and twists and turns in the writing. I'm a convert. If you haven't read it already, and never fancied it, then give it a go, it costs nowt so what do you have to lose? It truly is fantastic.

The HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Another book from the Big Read list and one I have tried to read before. I really couldn't get into it previously but this time I wasn't going to give in. It WAS slow to begin with, but I persevered and ended up really enjoying it. I guess it's more of a boys book really, hence me not being grabbed by the constant sci-fi geekery but eventually the story came together and it provided me with a few chuckles, and I dove straight into the next book in the trilogy of five.

The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe - Douglas Adams
I couldn't wait to start reading this after really enjoying the first book, and it didn't disappoint, it was funny and much faster in pace at the start that the original. I loved the quirky little moments including the origins of humanity of Earth. It kept me hooked that's for sure, more so than the first and I was happily anticipating the third book (Life, The Universe And Everything). I sat down to read it and was disappointed in how slow it was to start....and how nothing happened.....and how dreary it was. I tried, I really did, but after getting 42% of the way through absolutely nothing was gripping me or enticing me to carry on and so I've given up on these for now. However, the book on the Big Read list is just the first, so I'm ticking it off lol!

You Might Be A Zombie And Other Bad News.. -
After forcing myself to try to finish the last book I needed something I could pick up and put down with ease, something funny and this book certainly did the trick. It's full of really bizarre and (allegedly) true facts, some are gobsmacking, some are amusing and most will have you leaning over to tell someone "listen to this!". If you like short, silly articles that are miles from being stuffy eg"textbooks frown on classifying animals as being of the genus F**kmassive holyshitbricks." then you'll love this! 

Demon: A Memoir - Tosca Lee
I hadn't heard of this author, or book but it had good reviews so I thought I'd give it a go. It's a very absorbing book, based on a Demon telling the tale of his life to Clay, an editor and how this affects Clay and his views of the world around him. I found it utterly intriguing, familiar tales from the bible are twisted to show them from a fallen Angel's point of view, giving it an almost disturbing feel. Questions of faith, mortality and humanity are raised in the discussions between the two and the emotions draw you in completely. It's a total page turner and as a Pagan who is interested in Theology I found it a very thoughtful read.

Feedback (A Vampire's Story) - Nick Spalding
Yes, I know...another Nick Spalding book lol, but what's a girl to do when it's a freebie download? A word of warning, if you're a Twilight fan you probably won't be a fan of this short story of a real vampire who decides to visit a best-selling author of vampire fiction who has romanticised the life they lead....It's a great little read, wee bit gory for some maybe, but that's not a problem for me! For nowt, I'd definitely recommend a download.

The Genesis Secret - Tom Knox
Another shot in the dark read, and oddly enough another one which gives a different view of familiar biblical stories. I guess this has more in common with Dan Brown than any other author, it's a whodunnit, race against time, finding the answer to an ancient question type story, although that's not a judgement on the story as I do quite enjoy a fast paced, far fetched page turner as much as the next person. I did enjoy this one, it had a good mix of historical information, teasers and the stories in it linked well, the only disappointment was the ending. I seem to have such an issue with endings, I get swept up in the tale, desperate to know how it will end, what we have been heading towards and so often recently I have been left really....I don't know.....deflated I guess by endings that seem so much less than the story promised. Don't let me put you off, it's a good read and I'll be reading more of his books.

Not as many as last month, that's for sure, but definitely some good books and I am totally torn as to which book was my favourite between Demon: A Memoir and Pride and Prejudice, two utterly different books but I became totally engrossed in both. As for the book I'd not bother with again...surely you can guess it's the one I didn't finish? lol!
As always, please leave a comment, whether you agree or disagree on my views or to recommend something you'll think I love :o)

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Hyperbole And A Half

I love Allie Brosh's blog - Hyperbole and a Half. When I first discovered it I spent practically all day reading it, and most of that time with tears running down my face through the sheer amount of laughter it provoked. It's simply hilarious.

Allie has been very quiet for a few months - something that has made me very sad, but I presumed she was busy as her last post was about her being published.

She put up a new blog today. Obviously as you all know I'm currently suffering from depression. If you've never suffered from this sort of illness, it can be hard to understand what it's like, how it feels, and it's all too easy to just think "Oh snap out of it" or "Pull yourself together". Depression isn't always caused by something tangible, it's not always the fallout from the crash when you hit rock bottom - sometimes it just sneaks up on you. However it starts, it's just as debilitating, and just as much an illness. Allie's blog really explains what it's like to suffer from depression. Please take a look...

Hyperbole And A Half (linky)
(Picture from Allie's blog)

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Where To Begin?

Recently it seems that life has been determined to keep us down and depressed. Everything in the last few months seems to have been delicately designed to made life harder for me and Hague. It's got to the point of me being signed off work with stress and depression and our shopping budget being squeezed down to the point of £30 a week with no money for anything resembling a social life. Life has been hard, and as such any little chink of happiness is gladly taken and enjoyed.

Therefore when I woke up this morning to even more notifications from the 365 project website regarding my ladybird picture from yesterday, it put a smile on my face. When my photos are liked it always makes me happy, but today when I logged on, for the first time ever, my picture had made the website's Popular Page! I've never managed it before and it certainly did make me extremely happy that such a lovely little shot had got such recognition :)

Oooh look at me I'm all Popular!

I love those little ladybirds now! :o)

As I'm sure you can imagine I was massively happy about this (little things please little minds after all). The day was therefore already officially A Good One. When Hague got up to make a phone call I thought little of it, after all job hunting is well and truly part of the regular routine. However, this time when he got off the phone, the news was good to say the least. He had called Pulse, the company he had an interview with yesterday in response to an email asking for him to send in some additional they were offering him the job!!

I'm sure if you've read my blog in any way shape or form you'll know the struggle we've had since his last job ended in May, this was then compounded by my redundancy, so today's news really is like manna from heaven. The sort of news that you have to actually stop to take in as you daren't believe that the wonderful news you've been hoping for has actually happened.

So there you go! Subject to a CRB check, Hague has gone and got himself a job, so he can once again support his boys financially and we can once again have some breathing room in our monthly budget, and he can finally carry on with his fledgling career in the care industry. I am also "popular", so this is a day I'd like to remember for a while, the Cheshire Cat smile that won't leave my face, the light feeling that has suddenly appeared around us both and the gorgeous, indistinct glimmers of optimism that we have allowed to enter our hearts and minds today - and hopefully for more days going forward :o)

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Today has been quite interesting so far. We were up early as Hague had a job interview (fingers crossed please!). The job sounds right up his street, and will mean he can continue with his NVQ in Health and Social Care, so it would be perfect if he got it.

The interview was a bit out of the way, just outside Norwich, but the scenery was beautiful. Rolling fields and enormous, ancient Oak's, plus tons of squirrels! Whilst Hague was getting grilled, I grabbed the opportunity that a few minutes between showers presented to me and had a good wander about with the camera. I rather enjoyed taking photographs of the grounds, and the lovely Autumnal colours everywhere - despite the miserable weather.

Whilst taking some pictures I noticed a little ladybird on one of the fenceposts and got nice and close to take a picture, as the contrast between the bright red and the damp wood of the post was quite striking, and the addition of the rain drops made it a perfect subject...

After I'd taken this one, I went to take a photo from another angle and found what can only be described as a big 'ol pile of the little buggers! They looks so cute that I had to take some more pictures :o)

Aren't they adorable? Apparently they usually only live in small groups, four or five together, but in this picture there are nine - and those are just the ones I can see! Of course such a discovery means time is spent online researching the ins and outs of Ladybirds, and so I can also say that as well as finding a wonderful subject for my picture of the day, I have also learned the name for a collective of Ladybirds......a Loveliness...isn't that just perfect?

(I hope those fingers are still crossed!)

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Wonkey Old Day

Today has been an odd one. I've been dreading it all week as I've had to "pop in" to work so I can have a get together with my old manager and my new one, so we can discuss my welfare, and my return to work. I also had two counsellor appointments - overkill maybe, but my work one and my NHS one had both booked on the same day...I'm sure you can understand why today has been looming large in my mind in a big and scary way.

The work meeting was the one I really wasn't looking forward to, and in the end my gut instincts were right, despite their own healthcare people informing them I still wasn't fit for work they were expecting me back. It's not nice to feel that you have to justify your health and absence to people who claim to have your best interests at heart and then don't even listen to the people they employ to help *sigh*

However, on the way home, the sky was blue, and I guess I was relieved at finally having the meeting out of the way. To really get me into a better mood I decided I was going to stop on the way home, and take advantage of the lovely day and the spare time to take some photos, so me and Hague stopped at the windmill I pass every day (when I'm working) but have yet to photograph! It was lovely to walk in the sun and enjoy the view of the river and then say hello to the ponies, goats and wonkeys (aka donkeys) that live near the windmill.

I'm sure you can imagine how wonderful it was to have the sun on my face, a river on one side, a windmill behind us, swans on the pond and to be surrounded by the warmth and friendliness of animals well used to people fussing them. Just for a little while every problem was forgotten.

So from the worst of beginnings, with barely any sleep and a Meeting Of Doom through a memorable afternoon and to now...snuggled up on the sofa, surrounded by (even more) animals and with Hague and I enjoying some candlelight it's definitely been a Flippy Floppy Wonkey kind of day! :o)

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The Big Question

It's that time of year again. The clocks will be going back soon, the nights are drawing in and after our delightful few days of Indian Summer weather the temperature is beginning to drop. As such that question, that huge question starts to rear its ugly head....

"Shall we put the heating on?"

I'm sure for most people that decision is made purely on how cold they are, in this house however money is ALWAYS an issue, and the difference between a Summer and Winter gas bill is around £75, not a small amount by any stretch of the imagination, and that was before this year's price hikes from all the energy suppliers. In our case, the first stirrings of the question are met with the closing of doors and windows, and the bolting shut of the garage door to stop any drafts.

The next step is the Adding Of The Layers which is the step we reached today. The trusty fluffy socks are on, as is a nice comfy cardie type thing.

There are many more steps in The Resistance, including blankets to wrap up in, candles lit, curtains closed and the bigger duvet, but for now The Resistance is strong, and we shan't be giving in anytime soon - barring snowstorms of course!!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

An Attack of the Meh's

I have no other excuse for not blogging in ages other than being in a bit of a meh and bleh mood in general. This week seems to be disappearing so fast that the days are blurring into each other. Although the amount of sleep my body seems to need certainly helps to eat into the days!

So here, in a nutshell, are the last 7 days...
Discovered the utter bargain of 60 mini desserty type things at Asda.
Finally reading one of the "classics" Pride and Prejudice, and really enjoying it.
Enjoying the gorgeous Autumn colours that are appearing rapidly all over the country.
Getting the door painted red at last (and the rest will be done as soon as the weather allows).
Having a wonderful night with Hague, watching TV, films and getting out the Old Skool toonage ;)

I guess things have been a bit lacklustre due to the lack of funds, as always the last week or so before payday are spent scrimping and scraping, but tomorrow is payday and so we have some things to look forward to this weekend.

A Lush party - a chance to see all the new goodies (even if I can't actually buy any).
A wedding - what's not to love about a wedding?
Reading the rest of the Hitchhiker's books.
Starting to ponder Crimble shopping and what to get everyone!

I guess my life has just not been interesting enough to blog about this week, too much time reading and not enough time doing anything else! Whoops! 

Thursday, 6 October 2011

I Love Reading

I'm sure you're not surprised to read that title. I've always loved it, and am always reading. However, my reading tastes tend to veer towards horror, sci fi, chick lit and thrillers. I am sorely lacking in having read any "classics"

There are many top 100 book lists out there, but the one that I suppose is clearest in my mind is the BBC Big Read one, I can remember the programmes on television, and being a bit disappointed in myself that I hadn't read more of the books on the list. Only the popular or children's one seem to have crossed my reading radar.

Ever since the programmes aired, I decided to myself that one day I would do my best to read more of those books. I found the list online and have marked the books I've read (in green) and the books I tried to read but didn't finish (in yellow). As you can see (here) I am woefully lacking. With just 19 books of the 100 read.

I am determined to read more. I have several on my Kindle as they are open source so with the list as my guide I shall endeavour to widen my reading horizons - and hopefully discover some favourites among those 70+ undiscovered treasures :)

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Enjoying Summer...In Autumn

The weather has been amazing over the last few days. It's made it a bit easier for me to fulfil my counsellor's advice to get out of the house, and the sunshine is helping to lift my mood!

Today we decided to explore the park near Cobholm on the edge of the Broads. Despite living in Yarmouth for nearly 9 years, I've never taken a walk around here! We found somewhere to park and headed off. It was simply glorious!
Our Walk

The sky was blue, the sun was warm, and it was truly like walking in July instead of October! We walked a fair old way, enough to tire Boo out completely and on the way back Hague picked some blackberries to put into a crumble. A pleasant surprise awaited us when we got back to the car, the house we had parked outside had a dog in the front yard. A Basset :) I cannot pass a Basset without saying hello, so he got a bit of a fussing and his owner came out and we had a lovely chat about our nutty old mutts! Her Bailey was a boy, a very handsome 3 year old and him and Bayleigh got on like a house on fire - so much so that we might even have a walking friend!
Bayleigh and Bailey :)

We got home and Hague cooked a delicious dinner, followed by the crumble - which was slightly more flapjacky than crumbley but utterly gorgeous. It's now coming up for 9pm and I have truly had a lovely, lovely day. I'm tired (in a good way) full of fabby food, and totally thankful for a man who has been so very good to me, in all kinds of ways since I've been ill, and days like today just remind me of that all over again!

So here is to more days like this, to help me get better and make me appreciate the Man I love more and more.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

26 Things About Me

I like reading blogs, and I read quite a few :) I found this on Modal Corpus, the blog of someone I know from the old days of the Lush Forum, and thought it was the perfect way to fill a blog post! 
So here you go...26 things about me!

A. Age: 36, or as I prefer to call it, 18 again!
B. Bed size: Just a double but with a super king size duvet to make it easy to share!
C. Chore that you hate: All of them!
D. Dogs: My lovely gorgeous Basset, Bayleigh Boo. Although I love (all) Bulldogs, Daschies and Staffies too.
E. Essential start to your day: A cup of tea and a buttered muffin (after more sleep!)
F. Favorite color: Purple, or Black
G. Gold or Silver: Always silver!
H. Height: 5'6"
I. Instruments you play: None, although I played the Recorder at school. For about a year.
J. Job title: Redundant Continuous Improvement Co-ordinator AKA Production Operator :(
K. Kids: None of my own. I have two lovely nieces and Hague has two gorgeous boys though.
L. Live: Great Yarmouth.
M. Mother’s name: Joan.
N. Nicknames: Mitch, MitchyMoo, Kal and Kaz, amongst others!
O. Overnight hospital stays: Just one, and that was for the removal of a rogue travelling tooth!
P. Pet peeves: Not sure if this is a peeve or a rage inducer, but "vegetarians" that eat fish.
Q. Quote from a movie: "Let's start with a few latin phrases..."
R. Right or left handed: Right
S. Siblings: One younger sister, one older half sister.
T. Time you get up: As late as humanly possible!
U. Underwear: Tons of boys shorts and comfy bras. Most of the fun stuff has...erm....shrunk?!
V. Vegetable you hate: I love most of them, but I'd say green beans are pretty rank.
W. What makes you run late: Nothing in my control, I HATE being late.
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth, finger and foot.
Y. Yummy food that you make: Pasta based noms and muffins!
Z. Zoo animal: Orang-utan. The most wonderful of animals in the universe!

So there you go.....if you post one, link to it in the comments. I'm a nosey mare :)