Monday 7 November 2011

Bah Humbug?

It's November 7th. Guy Fawkes night has been and gone in a bright and noisy bang, the clocks have gone back and Autumn is definitely in the air, and under our feet as the leaves finally give up the ghost. The Royal British Legion have just launched this years Poppy Appeal and we are yet to commemorate those who gave so much on Remembrance Sunday. Hague's Birthday (December 1st) is weeks away.....

So why the hell is it suddenly "Christmas"???? My FB feed is full of Christmassy news, the television is practically wall to wall tinsel, baubles and snow on advert after advert trying to persuade us that that time is upon us once more. I even saw a house with its Christmas decorations up yesterday! Why on earth do we gear up for Christmas so early?

Getting your presents sorted I can understand, as you're getting the busiest bit out of the way - but do you really need to get your snacks, decorations and food sorted over 6 weeks beforehand? When I was younger Christmas wasn't even thought of this early. The tree went up a week or two before the big day, and my Mum used to claim that was too early. The excitement really started once school was finished and those last few days were just SO special, it seemed like the whole world had become magical for that short while leading up to Christmas Eve.

Compare that to now....Christmas is rammed down our throats before we've even celebrated Hallowe'en. The mince pies have use by dates in November. Adverts telling us that Christmas is around the corner have been on TV for weeks. I honestly get sick and tired of Christmas before we even reach December, it's no longer special, it's a bloated, over extended consumerist binge that has now extended for around 2 months rather than the magical Winter festival it should be.

As always I shall be made to feel like I'm leaving everything to the last minute as I buy my cards in December, put my decorations up on the 18th and get my last presents wrapped in the final week before Christmas Day. I want it to stay special, I want it to stay a magical few days. If the decorations are up so long you have to dust the buggers....that's too long!

Enjoy Autumn, enjoy November.....hell enjoy the first couple of weeks of Winter before you let Christmas intrude, whatever the reason for celebrating during this time of the year, be it Midwinter, Yule or Christmas, let it stay at that time of the year. Let it stay magical :)

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