All that glorious time off, all those days stretched out before me, all the possibilities of days to come are gone....
Twelve days passed - just like that! I had a few things that I wanted to get done, and have done NONE of them! The bedroom didn't get sorted, no tidying got done, due to her dislocated toe Bayleigh didn't get any huge walks, we didn't get to a car boot sale and we haven't even cleared the backlog on the Sky+ box lol!
But - we attended a wonderful wedding, Hague got to meet some more of the family Mitchell, we had some time with my nieces, and had an Easter egg each. We had lunches out and dinners in. Days of lazing and days of drinking. Much enjoying of the stunning weather, and a visit to the Beer Festival. Watching a Royal Wedding and the last hurrah of a Time Lord. Time together, time talking, laughing and enjoying each other. A positive court hearing and a glorious hour in a spa. So all in all not a bad little holiday :)
It's going to be one hell of a shock to my system going back to work that's for sure, but at least I have some wonderful memories to keep me going for those 8 hours (Yes, I'm off again on Thursday lol)
Wonderful Memories...

Twelve days passed - just like that! I had a few things that I wanted to get done, and have done NONE of them! The bedroom didn't get sorted, no tidying got done, due to her dislocated toe Bayleigh didn't get any huge walks, we didn't get to a car boot sale and we haven't even cleared the backlog on the Sky+ box lol!
But - we attended a wonderful wedding, Hague got to meet some more of the family Mitchell, we had some time with my nieces, and had an Easter egg each. We had lunches out and dinners in. Days of lazing and days of drinking. Much enjoying of the stunning weather, and a visit to the Beer Festival. Watching a Royal Wedding and the last hurrah of a Time Lord. Time together, time talking, laughing and enjoying each other. A positive court hearing and a glorious hour in a spa. So all in all not a bad little holiday :)
It's going to be one hell of a shock to my system going back to work that's for sure, but at least I have some wonderful memories to keep me going for those 8 hours (Yes, I'm off again on Thursday lol)
Wonderful Memories...
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