2012 started off quite poorly as I blogged a couple of weeks ago, but since then it does seem to have bucked up its ideas a wee bit.
So far, in a mere 23 days this year has included two family deaths, a court hearing, still no CRB for Hague and utter skintness.
Things are looking up, no-one else has died, thank goodness, and the court hearing last week went exceptionally well. Both Hague and his ex sat down and discussed the issues and came to an agreement together. Something that really does seem to have brought out the best in both of them and the current respectful, helpful and polite way that issues are being dealt with is the best thing we could have possible hoped for - long may it last for the good and welfare of all involved :) Add to that the fact that soon Hague will be having extended contact with his boys and it's definitely a bit of a high spot for the year so far!
The much delayed CRB finally seems to be in its final stages, Hague's soon to be employers are keeping him informed so hopefully he'll be back at work within the next few weeks. A development which will seriously help with the skintness, and will allow us to maybe start to save for some of the home improvements we've been unable to complete.
Finally my ground-breaking scheme to lose weight, Get Off My Butt And Do Stuff, has so far been working. The combination of being back at work, and so being way more active and me making little decisions regarding portion sizes and what I'm eating has resulted in my losing 4lbs so far this year. This means I'm still on track for my 1lb a week target without me feeling like I'm actually dieting or anything! Go me!
Soon I'll be back at work full time (next week) and so life will slowly be getting back to normal. I hope this is another huge step towards my full recovery. The last stage will be the slow removal of the anti-depressants, but baby steps eh?
So far, in a mere 23 days this year has included two family deaths, a court hearing, still no CRB for Hague and utter skintness.
Things are looking up, no-one else has died, thank goodness, and the court hearing last week went exceptionally well. Both Hague and his ex sat down and discussed the issues and came to an agreement together. Something that really does seem to have brought out the best in both of them and the current respectful, helpful and polite way that issues are being dealt with is the best thing we could have possible hoped for - long may it last for the good and welfare of all involved :) Add to that the fact that soon Hague will be having extended contact with his boys and it's definitely a bit of a high spot for the year so far!
The much delayed CRB finally seems to be in its final stages, Hague's soon to be employers are keeping him informed so hopefully he'll be back at work within the next few weeks. A development which will seriously help with the skintness, and will allow us to maybe start to save for some of the home improvements we've been unable to complete.
Finally my ground-breaking scheme to lose weight, Get Off My Butt And Do Stuff, has so far been working. The combination of being back at work, and so being way more active and me making little decisions regarding portion sizes and what I'm eating has resulted in my losing 4lbs so far this year. This means I'm still on track for my 1lb a week target without me feeling like I'm actually dieting or anything! Go me!
Soon I'll be back at work full time (next week) and so life will slowly be getting back to normal. I hope this is another huge step towards my full recovery. The last stage will be the slow removal of the anti-depressants, but baby steps eh?
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