Monday, 26 March 2012

Two Weeks In The Life Of Minxy

I didn't realise it had been so long since my last post, and I was just as overwhelmed by the response from that one :)

Despite failing at returning to work, I have been doing my utmost to get myself better. To stop the feelings of anxiety and panic and to try and work through them to get myself back to normal (or as close to normal as I feel comfortable being! This has meant pushing myself to get out of the house, however uncomfortable that makes me. Going to the supermarket - which for some reason has become a huge source of anxiety for me and the biggest hurdle, being out on my Hague, no Boo....just me alone.

I'm doing my best, I'm doing all of those things, just not quite as regularly as I need to, and not without feeling utterly on the edge. This WILL get better, I know it will, it's just a case of being patient, and doing what I can to get strong again.

So what else have I been up to? Here's a little photo guide to the last two weeks :)

Celebrating a Birthday.
Catching up with old friends, and meeting lovely new ones.
Looking after myself (my own interpretation)
Enjoying my stupid pets making me laugh
Sleeping too much, or struggling to get any at all :(
Hunting Ladybirds

Walking Boo
Exploring with my camera
 Trying Choccy Philly!
 Enjoying this beautiful Spring weather

So as you can see, I'm trying to keep busy and trying to get better. Onwards and upwards!

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