Tuesday 9 August 2011

It's Always Someone Else's Fault...

After the third night of "riots" in London, people are now queuing up to make excuses for these "disenfranchised" members of the community.
Apparently it is the fault of the Police for using their powers of Stop and Search, it is the fault of the Government for making cuts. It is the fault of advertisers for making people want top end goods. It's the fault of everyone else....

No, it's not. If someone has nothing to hide, why would they protest about stop and search? I'd happily be searched if I thought it would stop crime in my community and I was innocent. Government cuts are a sticky subject perhaps, but the country is bankrupt, everyone is struggling, and funnily enough not everyone sees it as their right to go and help themselves to whatever they want from Currys. As for blaming companies for making us want things....that's probably the most idiotic line I've heard. Are these people so mindless that they feel it is their right to have whatever they want?

Unfortunately this seems to be the society we live in. A society where people know all of their rights, but none of their responsibilities, where kids running wild, organising where they can loot next on their Blackberries, are portrayed as disadvantaged! Where people expect to be handed a living with no input whatsoever.

Society is on the brink of total breakdown, this is what happens when discipline and respect disappear. God help us all :(

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