Sunday 6 March 2011


I'm sure I'm the same as most people when it comes to friends. I have old, old friends from way back when. They make drift in and out of my life, but their friendship is valuable, and reliable.

Then there are new friends, as you get older, it seems harder to make true friends. I seem to have a multitude of acquaintances, but far fewer true friends that I have made in the last few years. It doesn't make their friendship any less valuable, just slightly more fragile without the strength of years to reinforce it. Although I love my newer friends just as much as my old ones, and several of them probably know more about me than older ones!

Sometimes big events happen in your life that filter friends out - I use the world loosely here, as a true friend doesn't skip out that easily. I've had one or two of those in my time, and don't mourn the loss of people who valued my friendship so lightly.

Then there are the best sort of friends, those that are there for you when you need them, be it for good or bad reasons. Those who you can be utterly comfortable with, be yourself with and look forward to seeing - whether the gap is a week or months. I think sometimes we place too little value on our friends, and let them drift away too easily, although the real ones never truly leave our lives.

Then of course, there is a best friend - the one person who knows you inside and out, knows your fears, hopes and dreams, your flaws. The person who would do anything for you, and you would walk over hot coals for. I'm lucky, mine is my boyfriend. Of course he has flaws, of course he angers me at times, but he loves me without judging me, he accepts the utter truth of me, the real me and looks at me with more passion in his eyes because of it. I support him and love him. I'm his best friend, and he is mine - and my life is all the richer for having him in it.

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