Monday 7 March 2011

The Rarest of Occurrences!

It's Monday, and it's been a fabulous day! How often does that happen? I had a lovely nights sleep, for once I didn't wake up during the night and woke up pretty refreshed....a rarity indeed! I had a shower, and drove Hague to work....and it was sunny! Yes, sunshine has appeared!

The drive to work was quick, I was there 20 minutes after I left Hague! I logged onto my computer, checked my find I'd won the work charity lottery! £155 will be winging it's way to me in the next week or so :o)

I was busy at work, so the day zoomed by, and my mood has remained chirpy all day long!

I started my diet today as well, so I'm full of wonderful optimism for the next few months as well, the fridge is full of lovely fresh food....

And my tummy is now full of a delicious dinner of Oven Baked Risotto! 

Shown pre-oven obviously lol! It makes a lovely change to eat real food, and I always enjoy the buzz of embarking on a diet. I have lots of small targets this time, and I hope by tracking my progress on my blog as well, it will give me a boost when I'm finding things hard, and keep me going when I'm struggling.

Weigh in is on Friday - so look out for my ticker starting to move! Let's hope I'm in for a Fabulous Friday to follow my Marvellous Monday! :o)

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