Tuesday 29 March 2011

You Know You've Made It When....

Rumours of your death send Facebook and Twitter into furious action! I mentioned yesterday about The Norwich Puppet Man, and how rumours were flying around that he had died of a heart attack yesterday. Well, thankfully they were just rumours and he is alive and well....and earlier on today was actually the most popular news story on our local news site! The Puppet Man Lives!

It did bring a smile to my face to know he'll be around to wave his puppets about for a bit longer I must admit!

In slightly more worrying news, the bruise that mysteriously appeared overnight on Saturday seems to be getting steadily bigger, blacker and more swollen, so I popped to the Doctors this afternoon. He doesn't think it's anything to worry about, but I have to have some blood tests tomorrow just to rule out anything sinister. What with that, and the imminent end of my lens loan (which I have appreciated so much) today hasn't been the greatest of days, but as always at the end of the evening, things don't look too bad - it is nearly Wednesday and I'm only working a 4 day week, we are heading for London on Friday for a weekend with friends, and this evening has been spent watching a couple of good, but wildly different films, Evolution and The Book of Eli.  Hmmmm I can be really irritatingly chirpy sometimes can't I? ;o) 

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