Friday 18 February 2011

TFI Friday!

That was a looooong week! My body clock is all over the place, I'm so tired I can barely think, and I feel like my feet haven't touched the ground in days!

I've been working odd shifts this week, starting off with a night shift on Monday and I've been gradually been moving back round to days - this sounds okay, but in reality it's whacked my body clock totally out of sync. I struggle anyway with fitting into a normal routine as I suffer from something called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. This is a sleep disorder where your internal body clock is significantly delayed. What this means is that my natural pattern for sleep (when left to my own devices) is to fall asleep around 4-5am and wake up around 8 hours later between 12 and 1pm. 

DSPS isn't about being lazy, it can be a real problem to live with. It's like living with constant jet lag. The world works on a 9-5 day, and most people fit into the normal sleep patterns of dropping off between 10-11pm and waking around 7am. Imagine having to wake up 5 hours early, every single day - and then trying to be a productive member of society! Or trying desperately to get yourself some sleep when you're feeling wide awake at 1am, 2am, 3am....watching the clock get closer and closer to the time of the alarm whilst you are still wide awake. 

Sometimes at work, I have to go in on an early shift, this starts at 5.45am. For me, this is like asking me to work right through the time my body is desperate to sleep and I struggle ridiculous amounts. I'm lucky, most of the time I start work at 11, which, whilst this still means I'm up "early" it's not overly early and I can get through the weeks.

This is probably why I love my weekends so very much, I can feel comfortable and awake, I can leave the alarm off and wake up when my body is ready to be awake, and stay up until I'm genuinely tired. One blessing is that Hague is the same, so there is no problem with one of us wanting to go to bed early whilst the other is a Night that reason 79088304022 for me loving him so much?? lol!

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