Thursday 13 October 2011

An Attack of the Meh's

I have no other excuse for not blogging in ages other than being in a bit of a meh and bleh mood in general. This week seems to be disappearing so fast that the days are blurring into each other. Although the amount of sleep my body seems to need certainly helps to eat into the days!

So here, in a nutshell, are the last 7 days...
Discovered the utter bargain of 60 mini desserty type things at Asda.
Finally reading one of the "classics" Pride and Prejudice, and really enjoying it.
Enjoying the gorgeous Autumn colours that are appearing rapidly all over the country.
Getting the door painted red at last (and the rest will be done as soon as the weather allows).
Having a wonderful night with Hague, watching TV, films and getting out the Old Skool toonage ;)

I guess things have been a bit lacklustre due to the lack of funds, as always the last week or so before payday are spent scrimping and scraping, but tomorrow is payday and so we have some things to look forward to this weekend.

A Lush party - a chance to see all the new goodies (even if I can't actually buy any).
A wedding - what's not to love about a wedding?
Reading the rest of the Hitchhiker's books.
Starting to ponder Crimble shopping and what to get everyone!

I guess my life has just not been interesting enough to blog about this week, too much time reading and not enough time doing anything else! Whoops! 

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