Tuesday 25 October 2011


Today has been quite interesting so far. We were up early as Hague had a job interview (fingers crossed please!). The job sounds right up his street, and will mean he can continue with his NVQ in Health and Social Care, so it would be perfect if he got it.

The interview was a bit out of the way, just outside Norwich, but the scenery was beautiful. Rolling fields and enormous, ancient Oak's, plus tons of squirrels! Whilst Hague was getting grilled, I grabbed the opportunity that a few minutes between showers presented to me and had a good wander about with the camera. I rather enjoyed taking photographs of the grounds, and the lovely Autumnal colours everywhere - despite the miserable weather.

Whilst taking some pictures I noticed a little ladybird on one of the fenceposts and got nice and close to take a picture, as the contrast between the bright red and the damp wood of the post was quite striking, and the addition of the rain drops made it a perfect subject...

After I'd taken this one, I went to take a photo from another angle and found what can only be described as a big 'ol pile of the little buggers! They looks so cute that I had to take some more pictures :o)

Aren't they adorable? Apparently they usually only live in small groups, four or five together, but in this picture there are nine - and those are just the ones I can see! Of course such a discovery means time is spent online researching the ins and outs of Ladybirds, and so I can also say that as well as finding a wonderful subject for my picture of the day, I have also learned the name for a collective of Ladybirds......a Loveliness...isn't that just perfect?

(I hope those fingers are still crossed!)

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