Wednesday 20 October 2010

The Obesity Epidemic?

For once I'm not talking about my own weight lol! I'd like to share some photos with you of some Basset Hounds....
This is a Champion Basset Hound, Bayleigh's Dad no less;
So that's the "desirable" look for a Basset Hound, a good, healthy example of the breed.

This is MadameLeWigglePuppy, AKA Bayleigh Boo (with Dan);

Now, call me strange, call me a rose tinted spectacled pet owner....but Bayleigh looks just fine size wise, and certainly loves to walk for hours, hence my surprise to get a phone call at work today from Dan telling me the RSPCA had been round!! Apparently they had had a report of an "obese Basset that could barely move". She is many things, a fair few of them not exactly complimentary ;), but obese, and barely moving are two of the most alien descriptions you could put to her!

The RSPCA inspector was more than happy with her, could see that she was a happy, well cared for, perfect sized dog. I find it bizarre that it was even reported.....Bayleigh only leaves the house when she's walked, that's walked, so how on earth has someone decided she's not able to move? Poor little thing, a victim of the Size Zero culture we live in! lol! I'm slightly annoyed on behalf of the inspector, who was called out for no reason, but am glad she was happy with Bayleigh's condition :) 

Apparently, for every 70 calls the RSPCA get, 69 are not actual causes for concern, what a waste of their resources, perhaps more information should be available on what constitutes a healthy vs a neglected animal so as not to put undue pressure on a charity.

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