Friday 5 November 2010

Expectations vs Reality

Today is November 5th, notable for being Guy Fawkes Night. A night of fun and fireworks, and for some wonderfully British reason, celebrating someone trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament. It is also the date that Hague and myself started to live together....some might say this is a reason to celebrate, an anniversary of sorts, but it's hard to see it that way.

When we met, Hague was married, albeit in an open relationship. We could claim many anniversaries if we tried, July 18th when we first met, a couple of weeks later when the words "I love you" were first uttered, or even our first weekend away. None of them feel right, we weren't truly together, weren't free to be a couple or express our love for each other. The 5th of November is the date when Dan told his wife he was leaving, the date will never, and can never be a happy one. It was a day of fear, dread, pain, anguish and one I will never forget for mostly the wrong reasons, although the feeling of relief to reach home at the end of that day will be something I will always remember.

From that day onwards, we have built something good. There have been wonderful highs and lower lows than I thought I could get through, but we've done it. I think we have come through some awful times stronger than ever, and things do seem to get better and better. We muddle along like a couple of kids most of the time, happy just to be in each others company, facing whatever life throws at us whilst trying to keep smiles on our faces. marker for us, no anniversary, just the daily reality of us, Mitchell and Hague, together, and more in love every day.

In other Expectations and Reality conflicts today, my unerring belief  that I will be winning the lottery this weekend has appeared in the Not Quite as I Saw it category today by being a £20 scratchcard win rather than the £18 Million I was planning on ;o) Such is life!

My Lover, My Soulmate, My Partner in Crime...

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