Friday 12 November 2010

Musical musings

I love music, I adore music. I simply can't imagine life without music of some kind. When I'm happy, when I'm down, when I'm at work, when I'm in the car, I just don't feel right without music on.

There are so many songs that mean so much to me that I struggle to choose my favourite song, or even my top ten as my head fills with the varied and multitude of songs that I have loved over the years.

I like anything and everything. My iPod contains a ridiculously eclectic mix.....Dolly Parton? Check. Kylie? Check. Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Girls Aloud, Operatic arias, name it, it's probably on there. Music really is a huge part of my life!

I'm not one of these people that "get" meanings of songs though - that sort of thing passes me by, it's more intuitive to me, it could be the hint of a beat in the song...or one line that just hooks me in, but I like that, music shouldn't be something you can analyse and explain, it should be deeper than that, it should move you in some way, even if only in the literal sense of making you want to dance.

Every now and again a song comes along that just speaks to me....I can never put my finger on quite why, but I'll hear it once and just become obsessed, I'll need to listen over and over again, and each time I love it more and more. I need to move when I hear it, need to sing out the lyrics, just close my eyes and enjoy everything about it, vocal, beat, rhythmn, backing, production - in my mind it's perfect :o)

The last song that had that effect one me was this....

It's successor has now appeared, the latest Mark Ronson song, featuring Boy George has just become my new obsession, I can't stop listening to it. I love Boy George's voice in it, I love the beat, and could literally listen to it over and over again :)

Please listen....I hope you like it :)  2010's Song of Wonderfulness :)

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