Monday 29 November 2010

One step forward, three steps back!

I suppose that's starting to feel like our life in a nutshell. Just when it looks like there might just be some light at the end of the tunnel, another setback comes along!

This week has been quite stressful anyway, with looking forward to the court case, and having my appointment with a counsellor alongside the constant of Dan's slow recovery and the lack of money as he's now on SSP :( This morning Dan finally had his appointment with a physiotherapist about his legs. Ever since he's been home from hospital his legs have felt numb and cold. At first we put it down to him being stuck in bed for so long, but the more it went on, the less likely that seemed, so quite a few weeks down the line we find out it's probably down to nerve damage, caused by staying in the same position for so long - an unfortunate by-product of all the complications, but this now means that the court hearing has to be adjourned. With the complete, flat on his back rest that's been suggested there was just no way he could make the journey.

It's so frustrating to have to keep delaying these things, the original purpose of the court order was to re-establish contact, and we hoped that at this second hearing, Dan might be in a position to think about more contact. That is now looking highly unlikely, purely down to circumstances way beyond his control. The contact hasn't been properly re-established, and now with the hearing having to be adjourned it looks like fortnightly, 4-5 hour visits will have to continue for the forseeable future at least. Hopefully once recuperated, things will return to normal and we can once again think about more contact, and what is best for the boys, and everyone who loves them.

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