Tuesday 13 September 2011

Scarey Old Day

Just when I think no more bad news can possibly head my way, I am yet again proved utterly wrong. After a not particularly nice day (doctor visit, supermarket visit, hideous low mood) me and Hague were winding down for the evening when Bayleigh (my Basset) started to retch and threw up on the carpet. Now, this isn't much of an issue - it's something that happens from time to time when you have pets, so it wasn't really much of anything to worry about until she unexpectedly tried to jump up on the settee with me, she knows she's not allowed and so I tried to push her down but she was strangely stiff...we got her on the floor and she was utterly rigid, limbs all straight out and her eyes were glazed.

Perhaps you know what's coming next, but I have never witnessed someone having a fit before and so I had no idea what was happening. Luckily Hague with his care work knew what was going on with her and did his best to calm me down, whilst trying to make sure Bayleigh was okay.

Seeing the pet you love in distress, voiding bowels and bladder, crying and fitting is awful, scary and terrifying. Even when she came round she wasn't right, eyes glazed and totally disorientated. When she finally got back to her feet she went from one extreme to the other, becoming hyperactive and distracted by everything, this finally gave way to constant crying which only calmed after a 1am walk.

Despite talking to the on call vet I still couldn't rest, although Bayleigh seemed fine, I was alert to any strange noises from downstairs and so barely slept a wink. My head spinning with thoughts of another fit, of tumours, cancer, brain problems and variations on these....the scariest of thoughts that always seem clearest in the dead of night when you are too worried to sleep.

Finally morning arrived, and with it a visit to the vet for my silly old doggie. She loves it there, luckily, so many other dogs to say hello to, and people making a fuss of her. Her tail even kept wagging whilst her temperature was being taken :)

The vet recommended blood tests, to check that her kidneys and liver are okay. The diagnostics then progress onto the scarier world of neurologists and MRI scans. However, she may never fit again. There really is no way to tell at the moment, especially if the (stupidly expensive) blood tests show nothing. At least now we have medication in case it happens again, the knowledge of what to do if it happens again and I guess we are also now forewarned that seizures can happen to dogs.

Today, she has been fine. Back to her usual self, silly, sleeping, whinging for food, getting very overexcited at the thought of having some cheese and not wandering far from my side. She's Bayleigh Boo, Wiggle Puppy, My Pickle, same as always. It just brought into sharp focus (again) just how much Bayleigh means to me, how much I care about her, and how I never, ever want to say goodbye to her.

My Bayleigh tonight...her usual cute self :)

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