Friday 22 April 2011


The glorious break of fantastic-ness has arrived! 12 days away from work, relaxing with Hague, utter bliss! So many things going on, and quite a few things I want to get done! I am guessing that once again I shall fail to complete most of the things I want to get done - but cest la vie, I shall not be at work!! :o)

We have tons going on, with a wedding tomorrow, cousins visiting on Sunday, taking Boo back to the vets, more cousins visiting next week, then there is the Great Yarmouth Beer Festival to look forward to, then up to Barnsley for another court hearing, I get the feeling our feet won't be touching the floor a great deal!!

In the middle of all that, I'm hoping to have a huge, and long overdue sort out of our bedroom - I'm sure there are many lost treasures in there just waiting to be found, and as we're planning on a car boot at some point this summer we can dig out bits and bobs to put into the car boot box! 

I'm also hoping to have at least one long luxurious duvet day, where I spend as little time out of bed as possible, plus we want to start watching some of the many films and series we have built up on the Sky+ box over many, many months! Add to that the need to take a photo every day and these 12 days are suddenly starting to look not quite so relaxing!

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