Wednesday 20 April 2011

Total Mood Lift :)

Today did not start well - I woke up at 6.30am for some reason, and seeing as the alarm was going off at 7.20 I didn't really go back to sleep. Hague was off work again, so as I drove into work I wasn't in the best of moods. This descended into a downright miserable mood as I settled into the office. My office isn't the cheeriest of places at the best of times, it's on a mezzanine floor overlooking the factory so you can't even see outside, but at the moment the air conditioning unit isn't working either. I'm sure you can imagine that a fabricated office in the middle of a factory isn't the coolest of places, but without the AC it's borderline unbearable, really stuffy and hot :o(

A single thought kept me going - a cold ice cream on the sea front. The thought of a cool ice cream enjoyed whilst sitting in the delicious breeze that always wafts along Great Yarmouth front kept me sane as the temperature kept climbing and my will to live slowly drained away!!

When work was done, I literally came in, got changed and out we headed again. The original plan was just to have an ice-cream and watch the world go by for a wee while before heading back.

Hague, enjoying his 99

Proudly showing how far he'd managed to shove the ice-cream down the cone....skillz ;o)

Instead of heading home we wandered through the amusements and decided to partake in a cold drink on the pier. After being stuck inside all day it was simply wonderful to sit in the fresh air and sunshine, enjoying the smell of ozone and a cold Guinness whilst chatting away about everything and nothing. Another drink, more chatting and nearly two hours had passed since we'd left home....add in some fresh chips bought for dinner on the way home and that was our afternoon in a nutshell.

It was nothing special, but the afternoon was just what I needed - a total mood lift, a precious memory created out of nothing, a simple afternoon just spent with the man I love, nattering away like an old married couple, laughing, talking, smiling and just enjoying being in each others company. 

Perfection :o)

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