Sunday 9 January 2011

Regular Check Up

On my challenges that is! We're now 9 days into the New Year, so a good a time as any to have a bit of an update!

A minor spanner in the works appeared in the form of getting ill last week with either a really nasty cold, or a dose of flu. I certainly felt as rough as hell and pretty much slept my way through Thursday and Friday! I'm still not feeling great now, but should be okay to go back to work tomorrow. However, it's meant that not a lot has been achieved for some of my challenges....

Going the Project 365, a photo has been taken every day and I'm still really enjoying the challenge. I've also found a website where you can chronicle your project (My 365 Project) and have really enjoyed browsing through other projects and getting to know some people on there in the last few days.

Going as well as can be....are the Trust and Money challenges, no significant issues with either at the moment! Well, the money is there to pay the bills - but that's it, but that's nothing new lol! I suppose I can put the Photography challenge in here as well, as I've decided against the Photoshop course for now, as I can buy the Dummies book for £15, and shall see how I get on with that first!

Not going anywhere yet....are the Losing Weight and Fitness challenges. I've had to wait for payday to join Slimming World, which will be on Monday. I'll be signing up for 12 weeks, so no excuses! The fitness one has been thwarted by me feeling rough, but I will certainly get myself into a routine once I'm back to something resembling health!

Things are going pretty much as expected so far I suppose, I'm looking forward to started at Slimming World tomorrow, and shall be setting up a ticker as soon as I get back. I do need support when losing weight, so feel free to kick me up the arse through comments lol!

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