Saturday 1 January 2011

Challenges for 2011

I am not much of one for making resolutions, but I have set myself some challenges for the year ahead. Some are to improve my health, some are to improve me as a person, and some are just things I'd like to do - which I suppose covers most things that people resolve to change when the New Year comes around! So, in no particular order, here are my challenges for 2011.

Lose Weight
I think this has been a resolution of mine every year for as long as I can remember lol! As always though, I start January absolutely determined and shall be returning to my Slimming World class on Monday. I need the weekly weigh in to help keep me on track, and so have decided to go back to give myself a fighting chance. I have a hell of a lot to lose, so look out for the return of the ticker :)

Project 365
I am really excited about this one! My first picture is taken and I think this is one resolution I will find easy. I love taking pictures and this should encourage me to keep my camera on me at all times and enable me to take those pictures that I miss time and again due to not having it with me. I'm hoping that my photography will improve over the course of the year as well. At the end of the project I'll put all the pictures into a photobook as a record of 2011 for me.

Now, I can lose weight with the best of them, over the years I've lost stone upon stone (but not kept it off) but I'm not so hot with the fitness side of things. I start off with good intentions but never keep it up. However this year I've been given a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas, so I am setting myself the challenge of getting it out at least 3 times a week. That's not a daunting amount, and as they say, Every Little Helps :)

This is a harder one to describe, and to measure I suppose. I need to have more faith in others, need to believe that if they say they will do something, they'll do it, and not worry about things that are not "my" problem. This is something I find hard, as I've blogged before, but I think I need to focus on it a bit more this year.

Things are slightly better than they were, however, they could be better. I want to be more sensible with money, use it more wisely and try to get some savings together for emergencies. We have the money to do these, but we are terrible at talking each other into spending it!! We're both totally to blame for this, but I'm hoping to be a little more productive with cash in this coming year.

This fits in with Project 365. The local college runs a few photography courses and I want to attend two of them..."Improve Your Digital Photography" and "Introduction to Photoshop". They cost £74 each, which isn't too bad - so this should be another one that I should be able to achieve :) (Presuming the Money one goes well of course).

So there we have it, those are the challenges for myself for 2011, and the final one is to keep up this blog to both record my progress for all of them, and of course to witter on about general crap along a similar vein to last year! 

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