Monday 10 January 2011


Today has mostly been supremely unproductive, I'm still feeling awful - in fact worse than I have since last week, and as such have barely had the energy to move from the sofa, let alone doing anything interesting or I found myself meandering through Facebook (for a 

One of my friends, Lisa, posted on her status that she had watched Zeitgeist, and recommended that her friends watch it as well. This is a film that I have been planning to watch for ages, in fact Hague had already downloaded it for me months (if not years) ago. Seeing her status reminded me, and I finally bothered my arse to get onto the website and watch it.

Watch Zeitgeist Here....

I found it utterly intriguing - it contained many, many things that myself and Hague find ourself pondering and discussing over and over again. The Paganistic roots of Christianity are no surprise to me, being a Pagan it's something I'm well aware of, but to see the extent of the crossover I found interesting, and as I'm interested in theology in general, it will probably be something I study in more detail.

The second part of the film concerns September 11th 2001. Now, I'm sure everyone is aware of the multitude of conspiracy theories regarding that day and the aftermath, and whilst before I accepted there were oddities about the day, and certainly a cover up of sorts, I refused to believe that a government would sanction action of that level on their own countrymen and women for their own ends, but Zeitgeist throws up many questions on so much surrounding that day, that again I will read further about. The thing I liked most was that the facts were simply presented, you are left to come to your own conclusions regarding the information.

The final part of the film discusses the power of money and wealth, and the level to which our economies and commerce are warped and corrupted by banks, and the further pursuit of the few for ever increasing riches and power - and the subtle direction towards war as a business enterprise.

The film opened my eyes to a few things, but it didn't preach, it presented facts, and encouraged me to go on, explore, question and research the world around me and the growth of our Big Brother society. To keep my eyes and mind open, and value the world and people around me.

The final message was not one of uprising, protest and war, it was one of hope, of love and of the power of intelligence and curiosity. One of the final quotes spoke to me in bounds....

"When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power, the World will know Peace" - Sri Chinmoy Ghose.

Whatever your views, give the film a go - if you take nothing else away, the message of Love is one we can all appreciate.

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