Monday 13 September 2010

Break or Break?

 I need a break. Not just in a wishy washy “Ooh a day off would be nice” I need to have some time to myself, to relax, to wind down and just recharge my batteries.

In my previous job, I used to get 10 weeks off a year, fair enough I couldn’t choose when to take them, but I still got a break from work. I started this job in January 2008 and since that time I have only had 3 full weeks off, and none of those were for holiday – I was either ill, or having some personal trauma.

It’s now September 2010, and the longest amount of time I’ve had away from work just to chill has been 3 days…. Not enough, and when you consider what the last 2½ years have consisted of, nowhere near enough!

They say there is a hierarchy of stressful events, I think I’ve been through most of them recently, except for death and moving!

 Coming to terms with the fact that my marriage was over, the aftermath of that and the resulting divorce, including the knowledge that I was breaking someone’s heart in the process.

 The realisation that I was falling in love with my friend’s husband, and that he was falling in love with me (not as clear cut as the statement suggests, but still not the most romantic way to meet).

 The massive and continuing fallout of the breakdown of his marriage.

 The struggle to gain access to his children.

 Dan being out of work for 18 months.

 The resulting debt problems from supporting both of us through that time.

So, it hasn’t been a bed of roses. It’s not doom and gloom, our relationship has taken a number of serious batterings in its short life, but we are still together, and still happy, but dealing with everything just gets too much sometimes!!

Although I only get 5 precious weeks of holiday a year, I am taking a week in October. It will be a week for me. I will be doing what I want, when I want for the entire week. I will be relaxing and just enjoying some me time, and hopefully recharging my batteries for what the rest of the year is going to bring us.

I’m hoping that just taking some time out will be enough and that I’ll come back calmer, stronger and de-frazzled, after all, that’s what holidays are for!

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