Friday 29 July 2011

Scary Times!

I’m not much of a one for change. I like things to stay as they are, and I’ve never been one of those dynamic, career driven women….all shoulder pads, high heels and chips on the shoulder. I’m more of a low maintenance, get the job done, get home and enjoy the money it brings in type of gal, and as such I’ve tended to stay in the same jobs for years, only moving on when I have to.

With all the recent upheaval at work, I’m feeling deeply unsettled, and am not relishing the prospect of returning to a job on the line. Not that there is anything wrong with a job on the line (or the weeks off!) I just don’t want to have wasted my time since January 2008 learning and developing a load of skills I’ll never use again. So I have been combing the papers and job websites for something interesting, and that will pay the wages I need to live the life of poverty we currently “enjoy”

This is not an easy task, wages are not high in Suffolk/Norfolk, and my skill set is firmly in the type of area that is the first to be cut back in the current financial climate. That said I have found a few jobs that intrigue me and so I have re-entered the world of CV’s, application forms and personal statements….. I am beyond useless at bigging myself up, utterly forgetful when it comes to achievements and hate having to analyse what I do and have done to channel it towards a job description. I find it stressful and it puts me totally out of my comfort zone…but I have taken the decision to look for something else, and so I shall plunge into it headfirst – however scary I find it. All positive vibes, crossed fingers and advice gratefully received! :o)

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