Saturday 23 July 2011

A Very Sad Day

The news has just been confirmed that Amy Winehouse has been found dead, she was 27. I'm sure most people have an opinion on her, and I'm sure that quite a few have nothing good to say about her.

Her voice, and her ability to write songs that spoke directly from her heart cannot be denied. Her stunning talent is undeniable.

I have listened to her and loved her music for many years, her voice has been the soundtrack to so many wonderful moments in my life, and her songs will always be among my all time favourites.

I'm not someone who is enthralled by celebrity, normally a celebrity death is accompanied by a shrug of the shoulders and an acknowledgement of how sad it is, but I am genuinely and deeply upset by this news, of the loss of a troubled young woman with unbelievable talent. I just hope that she has now found the peace that she never found in her short life. 

The brightest stars seem to shine for such a short time.

RIP Amy Winehouse, you will never be forgotten.

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